St Kentigern's

R.C Primary School

School Information

 School Day

The school will start at 8.50 am and finish at 3.20 pm to ensure we offer 32.5 hours across the week, doors will open at 8.40 am.
Many children now arrive at school by car and the heavy traffic on Bethnall Drive raises important safety issues, particularly at the end of the school day. Parents should realise that the zig-zag lines running the full length of the school frontage on Bethnall Drive make it an offence to park there at any time the school is open. This parking ban is for the safety of children who have to cross Bethnall Drive and would be seriously at risk if they had to do so through a line of parked cars.
The two car parks at either end of the school building are reserved for staff cars, disabled access, and delivery vehicles. Parents are reminded that the gates to the car parks are 'No Entry' except for vehicles in those categories.
At the end of the school day, children in the Early Years and KS1 departments are collected directly from the individual classrooms, and KS2 children are supervised by the class teacher to the school gate to meet whoever needs to take them home. If for any reason parents cannot get to school on time to meet their children, they must contact the school so that emergency measures can be taken.

At St Kentigern's School we believe that parents have a vital role to play in the education of their children, and we like to think of parents and ourselves as partners. There are many ways we can work together to promote your child's personal, social and academic development. As a parent or carer you may be asked to help and encourage your child in a range of activities from dressing themselves and tying their shoe-laces in the infants, through to challenging maths and science problems in the later juniors. The school also encourages all children to read at home with their parents who can provide feedback to the school through their reading books. It is vital to your child's progression that this reading practice is undertaken from an early age, to encourage a child to express themselves and to learn independently. As your child progresses through the school, they will be given more tasks and revision to do at home. This keeps the brain working for longer, and also helps prepare the child for secondary school, where they will receive homework every day. Your support and encouragement are very important not only to aid the learning process but also to develop a feeling within the child that school is important and that learning and sharing together is a pleasure for the whole family.